We ask, you decide

Clarice Feldmann touches on a range of important issues

Voters’ rights, Capitol Police, or, “Secret Police”, January 6 Abuses and Corruptions

As corrupt as our Courts and Judges and FBI are, does anybody else notice what is being done to American citizens whose only “offense” might be that they were in Washington D.C. on January 6?  Clarice delves into the matter with gusto but our comments are triggered especially by her analysis of Democrat schemes to make cheating at voting easy.

The Democratic Party and Its Elected senators and representatives are ‘hot’ about the the “Jim Crow-like” voting rights legislation GOP is supporting in various states, especially those pertaining to “Voter ID”. Requiring voters to verify who they are is considered by Democrats to be unfair, illegal, discriminatory, and just plain god-awful because many would-be Black voters either refuse to have any form of photo ID, or are too dumb to know where and how to get it!


How many “disadvantaged minorities”  cannot get hotel accommodations because they lack photo ID (or any form of personal identification)?; What do disadvantaged minorities do when they go to see a doctor and a Photo ID is required?

Turns out most agree with Republicans

Clarice notes, Just the News reported, “A strong, 62% majority of registered voters believe that Americans should have to provide photo identification when submitting a mail-in ballot, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.
“Just 23% of respondents said voters should not be required to include their photo ID with mail-in ballots.

“Responses in favor of a photo ID requirement include 78% of Republicans, 50% of Democrats, and 60% of independents. An equal number of white and Hispanic respondents favored the rule, as did 51% of black voters.”

The people behind resistance to voting security are not those allegedly harmed but the Democrat operatives who need laxity in order to insure winning elections.

Read more:


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. . . So we added some, for the cause of course, and with all the genuineness of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).   Besides, it is a useful segue into other Biden era personnel matters.

First, here is the basic story about ODNI at The New York Post

“Intelligence Agency Used Photo-shopped pics to illustrate their “successful” diversity efforts”

Now Americans should be shocked, and, alarmed, that our National Intelligence apparatus would use stupid tactics like this for purposes so frivolous to our national security (to illustrate their “diversity wokeness”). And, to do so so amateurishly is troubling as well.

We include the NYP photos for ease of reference related to our critique.

Here is what the ODNI put out for recruitment and public consumption.  They added a young lady in a wheelchair and a blind man with white cane and a seeing eye dog to a purchased photo. So pathetic —  not them but whoever came up with this.  One wonders what sort of superficial nincompoop they are trying to attract.

Below is the stock photo (complete with watermarks which are removed once you pay the royalty or use fee), as reported by the NYP, which the ODNI purchased instead of actually gathering a few of the office staff to demonstrate their diversity. If they were concerned about ID risk they might have  just put them in COVID masks, or better yet, just shit-canned such an obviously phony picture.

Here is the photo they worked from without the watermarks  –  all comely folks, youngish, just like the real world of government!!!

Now the only thing missing to illustrate the dept.’s “diversity/inclusion is…you guessed it…LGBTQ members!! We realize they might all be, but you get our point.   We decided that perhaps the one key group not recognizably included was perhaps those of the transgender persuasion. No one is more illustrative of a man in a woman’s attire than Biden’s Assistant Secretary of HHS, Richard Rachel Levine. So since the photo is all phonied up anyway we took it upon ourselves to impart him her as a representative image for still more inclusiveness.  We should think the ODNI appreciates the effort.

We think the Photoshop, as clumsy and obvious as it is, rivals the ODNI tech gurus own effort and by-golly is that much more inclusive.

But it was no easy task in another way.  Finding the right photo of Richard Rachel to do him her justice.  You can see that finding the best angle is difficult and knowing which hair day to use was near impossible, use the blonde, or the gray , the curly or the wavy, or pardon the expression, straight??

Apparently the government has no standard that would keep such an individual from their fold. Just the opposite, they invite them in, even “affirmatively action” them for nothing deeper than “diversity”.   This is a truly unbalanced person who has no concept of what being a woman is really like, the physicality, the physiology, the emotions . . .  Probably deeply narcissistic his warped thinking finds its way into policy at HHS and his previous posts.  God help us. Related reading:




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Straight from the spokeshole Circle-back Psaki

This report is yet unconfirmed (but given Biden’s proclivities, seems plausible)

White House Press Secretary, ‘Pjen’  Psaki today released a transcript of President Biden’s telephone call to Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin.

Biden called Putin in the aftermath of the Russian cyberattacks against American companies.

NBC News reported Friday that:

“President Joe Biden warned Russian President Vladimir Putin in a call Friday that the United States “will take any necessary action to defend its people and its critical infrastructure,” as cyberattacks against American companies originating in Russia have continued.


In the conversation according to Psaki, Biden told Putin, “Damn the Torpedos” and “We shall fight on beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender …”  

And, he added, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”.

Biden also relayed to the Russian leader, ”…  something my daddy always said, Joey he’d say,, “Neither a wise nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him. “Only our individual faith in freedom can keep us free.”

According to Psaki, Biden also told Putin, “As I have often said, if worse comes to worse, I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.

Psaki said that the President told her after his conversation with Putin that,  “We have met the enemy and they are ours.” He also told her that, in any conflict with Russia, “we shall overcome”, a statement he said he coined during the Civil Rights era.

It was also reported that the President added some items to the list of entities which are ‘off-limits” to Russian hackers he had given Putin when they met.

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Unaccountable US Capitol Police

Who Killed Ashli Babbitt? A question going around Washington and the Entire Nation for Months

More and more reporters, news organizations, and pundits are asking every day…but the Government’s silence is deafening !

Babbitt was an Air Force veteran.

She was a white woman.

She was a supporter of Donald J. Trump for President.

She went to our nation’s Capitol to protest the theft of the 2020 US Presidential election.

She was unarmed and part of the crowd, or, mob, depending on your point of view, who entered the US Capitol building on Jan.6, 2021 to protest the many irregularities in the November election which favored Joe Biden.

She was being non-violent and a physical threat to no one.

Ashli Babbitt was shot dead by a member of the Capitol police; The US government, while announcing it had completely exonerated the officer, within days of the tragedy, has refused to reveal his identity.

Who was the Capitol police officer who killed Ms. Babbitt?

Despite the government’s unwillingness to reveal his identity, the responsible officer is known by many in the media. But since the government is unwilling to confirm his identity and the ‘mainstream media’ is unwilling to demand that he be identified, suspicion is heightened that there are perhaps reasons that most Americans would be shocked to learn due to the unequal treatment one receives if they are friends of the ruling regime.

So…why has the Biden administration refused to release the name of the officer who shot and killed the unarmed white female, Ashli Babbitt?

Is it because he is Black?

Is it because he is a high ranking Black Capitol police officer?

Is it because he is utterly incompetent…someone who might forget and leave his firearm in a restroom in the Capitol?

Is it because his action was in gross violation of rules and protocols for Capitol police officers?

One answer to why the officer’s name has not been released is provided in the article below. Briefly, the reason is that the Capitol police enjoy a privilege no other police dept. does:    dlh

Who Shot Ashli Babbitt? And Why Is This A State Secret?

So by Pelosi Schumer standards the press and  the public, not to mention the families of George Floyd, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Philando Castile had no right to know the names of the police officers who killed those individuals, legitimately or not, and without a name, no right to effective independent examination of the propriety of the officer involved shootings, the “mindset” and prejudices, etc. of the officers involved and none of the officers involved had any reason to protect their privacy, nor had reason to fear for their safety . . .

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Biden plan: Government education proven incompetent so do more of same

  • Hey Joe! why don’t you call on the Teachers’ unions to provide 12 years of education? Instead of 12 years of ‘indoctrination’…
  • If the 12 already provided were useful, would not need two years of remedial education tacked on
  • Part of Biden’s “infrastructure plan” to build the infrastructure of government indoctrination
  • It’s not 14, it’s 16 years (most of Joe’s media can’t do math, “math is hard”) as he also calls for two years of “free” pre-school 
  • Government education industry feeling the pinch, parents pulling kids out

At The Daily Mail

Biden wants 14 years of education for ALL Americans and to extend child tax credits to 2025: President demands two more years of school so US can compete with the world in Illinois speech drawing hundreds of Trump protesters
President Joe Biden called for the education system to be expanded from 12 years to 14 years for all Americans

Focus of his trip was the education part of his ‘human’ infrastructure plan
‘We should have a minimum of 14 years of education,’ the president said, ‘without spending a cent’

Biden visited McHenry County College in Crystal Lake

Related reading

Teachers Unions Will Legally Defend Teaching Critical Race Theory as ‘Honest History


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With friends like Joey Biden . . .

With Friends Like Joey, Who Needs...

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty

Gee, maybe I just don’t understand all the ‘thinking’ behind the strategy of the genius we have in the White House.

The issue, for me, is the Afghans who worked with the US military, as translators, guides, devoted allies.

Unless these men are allowed to come to America, with their families, they will be hunted down by the Taliban and brutally tortured and killed…along with their wives and children!

For some reason, not  all of them are being permitted to come to America. A decision to allow every one of them, who fought beside our troops, saved the lives of many of them, is ultimately that of President Biden.

That is Joe Biden, the guy who, with the ‘stroke of his pen’, issued a flurry of “executive orders’, throwing thousands of Americans out of jobs, undoing many great acts by President Trump, and flooded America with thousands of current and likely future ‘wards of the state’ or low wage workers who will displace US citizen workers.

As with most important matters crucial to this nation’s security, Biden has not acted. To abandon these people is to show the world that if you ‘throw in’ with the Americans, don’t expect to be rewarded with their loyalty.  Better to be America’s enemies than their friends!

Yet, “migrants”, from anywhere and everywhere in the world are allowed…welcome…to come here ILLEGALLY, where they receive the full benefits, free (education, healthcare, subsidies, etc, etc), that this country’s taxpayers can provide, exceeding what even American citizens may receive.

But then, again, those “good folks” who helped put this feeble, tragically comical goofball into the Oval Office with their votes, or by looking the other way when fraudulent electloral tactics were used,  can possibly explain.


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Announcing a New Woke V’PAC

Note to readers: we apologize in advance for any issue with pronoun selection but we were compelled to respond expeditiously to a comment posted to our recent article:  THE NFL GODS ARE MORE LIKE:

“M” wrote: I find it bizarre that a business would try to drive customers away. If football wants to be “gay” they have that right. It appears they don’t want me to watch. Very strange.

The New Woke V’PAC responds:

Mr. M …what makes you think that the NFL cares if you or I watch (or attend in person) their games?

In 2020, the NFL, its team owners and players, decided that it was both a very, very virtuous thing, and a smart business decision, to join with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, the all-in anti-America “Antifa” thing, and the Democratic Party, as “social justice warriors”.

And they (the NFL) went “all-in” themselves, supporting the “end police brutality toward Blacks”, “re-imagine” and “defund”police departments movement , and, above all, not-too-subtly, told their fans to ‘get on board’, or, ’take a hike’.

And the League didn’t want to be misunderstood. They tossed out their “strict rules on uniforms” (which, as noted, prohibited “decals’ of any kind, especially those which might honor police officers killed in the line of duty!).

Players, both Black and really virtuous White, eagerly slapped stickers on their helmets to pay honor to Black ‘victims’ of “murderous, racist” police officers!

They approved, and encouraged “social justice slogans” to be painted in the end zones of all the League’s teams.

The league proclaimed that season openers at the various venues would feature the playing of the “Black National Anthem” (for which players stood respectfully)…while players were not required to show any respect for “America’s National Anthem:”

The long-running effort to make the “Washington Football Team” drop its “Redskins” name finally was achieved…to the thundering applause of…WHO??

Face it, Mr. M, if you don’t think this is a great and wonderful thing the National Football League is doing…and now taking on those evil people who support anti-LGBTQ groups…you are a RACIST, and a “Homophobe”, and, possibly, a “sexist”.

So, be a good sport, and check your favorite player’s “preferred pronoun”! (Maybe the players will put their pronouns on the back of their jerseys.) dlh


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One nation, under whoever is running the so called Biden Harris Administration

  • Juneteenth was celebrated weeks ago, let’s do it again! 
  • Co-opt Independence Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, hell Christ was born on the African continent . . .

We propose a new unifying statue, to be the centerpiece of the Capitol Rotunda, it won’t have a name other than perhaps SAVIOR but this hero singlehandedly saved the Republic. No-one else had the courage to do what needed to be done that day. Don’t you know this man bravely saved the Republic from an exceedingly violent insurrection armed with signs and flags led by a 5’2″ 100 pound female (she be dead now, a message to all ). It was like Tiananmen Square except he was the tank and he actually fired his weapon at the unarmed protestor.

‘This doesn’t sound like unity’: Fury at PBS’s ‘woke and divisive’ decision to have Vanessa Williams sing the ‘Black National Anthem’ at Capitol Fourth Celebration to mark Juneteenth being made a Federal holiday as well...

The singer and actress will perform the song ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing’ while hosting PBS’s 41st ‘A Capitol Fourth’ annual celebration, which airs Sunday
The song was first written as a poem in 1900 by NAACP leader James Weldon Johnson and has long held the nickname as the ‘Black National Anthem’

Williams said her performance of the song will not only honor the nation’s traditional Independence Day, but also Juneteenth

The song is not replacing the US National Anthem, with singer Renée Fleming opening the show with a special performance of the ‘Star-Spangled Banner’
Several other singers and musicians will also be performing different songs
The inclusion of the ‘Black National Anthem’ sparked controversy on Twitter
Some called it ‘divisive’ and a contradiction of efforts to create ‘unity’


What about the LGBTQ Anthem (I don’t know what it is but surely the “movement” has one.)

And, while we’re at it…that is, ‘honoring’ every group and sub group which has an agenda…who will sing the “beautiful” , “My Country ’Tis of Antifa”.

And, to bring us all together as ‘one nation under Biden’, when will the courageous Capitol police officer who put down the “Jan. 6 Insurrection” by killing the ‘dangerous revolutionary”, Ashli Babbitt, be honored….whoever he is?    dlh

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  • No decals for thee…


(There was a 1980 comedy film about a farmer, Xi, living among a primitive tribe in the Kalahari Desert…away from modern civilization. One day a Coke bottle  is thrown out of an airplane. It falls to the ground unbroken. Xi and his people assume the bottle to be a gift from their gods, and find many uses for it. Unfortunately, though, there is only one bottle, which causes unforeseen conflict within the tribe. As a result Xi decides to make a pilgrimage to the ‘edge of the world’ and dispose of the divisive object. 

The film suggests that the members of the tribe come to the realization that for them to send such a “gift” so divisive and destructive, the “gods must be crazy”! 

Perhaps Americans will come to realize very soon that NFL football (and most professional sports) is like that glass coke bottle. It’s not a gift from “the gods”…and professional sports is not a “gift” bestowed to bring Americans together.

It is more a ‘product’, developed to make its “gods” (owners…and ‘star’ players) lots of money. If dividing “tribes” (fans) seems a way to make more money or to please politicians with the power to regulate their sports leagues out of existence as they are, they are willing to do whatever they believe is necessary.)


I’ve come to believe that NFL football, particularly, is not a “gift”, but that the ‘gods’ are NOT “crazy” …these “gods” are calculating and greedy! 


I began to seriously question the ‘value of professional sports, especially NFL football following the July, 2016 tragic murder of 5 Dallas, Texas, police officers at the hands of a sniper as they guarded protesters at an ‘anti-police brutality ‘ march. 

The sniper was identified as a “Micah Xavier Johnson, a 25 year old black man who “wanted to kill white people”! https://www.foxnews.com/us/dallas-sniper-who-gunned-down-5-cops-wanted-to-kill-white-people-chief-says

In August, the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League (NFL) asked the League for permission to wear a decal on their helmets during the season that would pay tribute to the slain police officers. (The team had been wearing a decal with the words “Arm in Arm” since the first day of training camp.)

Their request was denied!

The league said that “its strict rules on uniforms” forced it to deny the request!!!



Dallas police said it appreciated the Cowboys’ support.

“Their concern for the families of our fallen officers, the Dallas Police Department, and the City of Dallas is what matters most, and we know that support will continue for the immediate and long term future,” the department said in a statement.

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and tight end Jason Witten, who created the decal, said they were disappointed with the league’s decision but said they believed the stickers already served its purpose.

The Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation told TMZ they were “extremely upset” over the NFL’s decision.

“The NFL had an opportunity to be leaders and advocates for change in law enforcement,” Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, president of the foundation, told the website. “”These are our friends and our loved ones … it hurts to not have the NFL fully support us.”



So, the NFL didn’t allow any ‘helmet stickers’ to honor the 5 Dallas cops who were killed by a black activist in 2016…

“…sniper who killed five Dallas police officers Thursday night as they guarded protesters at an anti-police brutality march was angry about recent shootings by police and “wanted to kill white people,” according to authorities.

…identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, who was blown up by a police robot while holed up on the second level of a parking garage early Friday morning after negotiations with police broke down…”


The NFL denied the Dallas Cowboys’ request to wear a decal on their helmets during the season that would have paid tribute to the five police officers killed last month in an ambush.

The team had been wearing a decal with the words “Arm in Arm” since the first day of training camp that summer.

The NFL’s ‘strict rules’ on uniforms forced the league to deny the Cowboys’ request to wear the decal for the upcoming season. (https://www.foxnews.com/sports/nfl-denies-cowboys-request-to-wear-decal-honoring-fallen-dallas-officers)

“Rules are rules”, dont’cha’ know…especially in the National Football League!

With certain exceptions, apparently…

Last year, the 2020 season, Commissioner Goodell, and, presumably, club owners, evidently discovered an exception to ‘the rule on uniforms’, and other things :

Players were allowed to sport decals on their helmets with the names of “victims” of police brutality toward black folk…”Saint” George Floyd, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Brionna Taylor, Freddy Gray…

End zones were painted with messages about “equality..”; (the National Anthem, though, could still be dishonored in whatever players chose):

NFL will have social justice messages written in end zones this fall

DOUG SAMUELS SEP 2, 2020NFL commissioner Roger Goodell shared in a conference call yesterday that the league will put social justice messages in end zones this fall.

“End Racism” and “It Takes All of Us” will be among the messages stenciled in.

“The NFL stands with the black community, the players, and the clubs and fans confronting systemic racism. We will not relent in our work,” Goodell shared on that call.

The decision follows a social justice awareness movement by professional leagues that seemingly began in the NBA. Following widespread protests surrounding high profile racial injustices this spring, the NBA and players union decided to allow players the choice to replace the names on the backs. Players were given the choice of 29 pre-approved messages that included “Equality,” “Say Their Names,” and “Black Lives Matter.” 



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Iowa SC: State can keep Planned Parenthood out of state funded sex ed. programs — a new foundation for future rulings?

Some Supreme Court appointments actually make a difference

Articles of note: Read in combination these articles provide a quick summary of pro-life opportunities in Iowa

DM Register:  Iowa Supreme Court: State may bar Planned Parenthood from sex education grant programs

While affirming that nothing in the Iowa Constitution prevents the legislature from preferring birth over abortion the Iowa Supreme Court decided that eliminating notorious abortion syndicates from state supported sex education classes is a reasonable extension of that authority, a reasonable bar in an effort not to confuse the public about established policy.

The vote was 6 to 1 with the only remaining Democrat appointee Brent Appel dissenting.  He is also the only remaining judge on the court that voted in the affirmative that the Iowa Constitution protects a fundamental right to abortion, something that is totally inconsistent with the drafters, the voters who ratified it, and subsequent legislatures that regulated abortion. That ruling that set no limits to the voluntary destruction of babies in the womb at any stage or for any reason. The fairly recent ruling (3 years ago) has yet to be directly committed to by what is an essentially new court.

The ruling this month, however somewhat oblique, uses verbiage that the legislature can build on. The court’s vote is the result of the sea-change in personnel due to a death and retirements in the last three years and resultant selection efforts by pro-life Governor Kim Reynolds.

It ought to, but remains to be seen, if that “sea-change” extends to directly correcting or “reinterpreting” past error. The egregious abortion decision cries out for correction for reasons outlined in the dissent to that ruling by Justice Mansfield joined by Justice Waterman. The related article below includes a statement from The Family Leader which we critique:

The Iowa Standard: Family Leader is grateful Iowa Supreme Court upheld authority of legislature to direct tax dollars away from abortion providers

The Family Leader statement in part:

Today’s decision, however, does not minimize the need or urgency for the proposed Protect Life Amendment to the Iowa Constitution. While the Iowa Supreme Court ruled favorably today, we cannot leave the right to life in the hands of a few judges. The dangerous precedent of the 2018 Planned Parenthood v. Reynolds case remains, laying a foundation for future courts to strike down any and every reasonable abortion restriction, even those measures protecting mothers and children from late-term abortion.

The Family Leader (TFL) would seem to be the chief cook and bottle washer of pro-life activity in Iowa, dominating an organization they “heavily influenced” the creation of a few years ago called the “Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders.” Both names indicate a presumption whose reach we are unsure of outside of Des Moines. The Family Leader’s past persona along with some of the other member organizations was of the nature, in right to life movement parlance, ‘no-exceptions’  as compared to the practical “incrementalist” approaches to ultimately eliminate the abortion license to kill. 

We mention those terms because some of the same coalitions’ principals were vociferous in past years when legislation did not go far enough, decrying supporters of incrementalism necessitated by the Roe v Wade judicial regime and practical politics as inculcating abortion or something.

The statement quoted above is a segue by TFL to encourage support of what is in actuality an abortion neutrality amendment to the Iowa Constitution, a concept which we support, but which is referred to by TFL as the Protect Life Amendment as if it protects unborn life in and of itself.  It would not, but it would allow the legislature to act to protect life or defund abortion syndicates, or to fund them or allow abortion on demand (the current regime).  We addressed the matter in these pages  here: Meat grinder chronicles: Iowa failed to learn from Tennessee when it comes to ‘abortion neutrality’ amendment 

Curiously the TFL statement speaks of not letting the Iowa Supreme Court decision of PP vs Reynolds be a foundation for future court decisions while in the context of a Iowa Supreme Court Decision that would never have been issued by the jurists issuing that earlier ruling and which implies a much better climate on the court for pro-life legislation. So do we have a new foundation — the reaffirmation and logical extension of the peoples right through their legislature to prefer life over death, birth over abortion?

The amendment TFL champions is good in effect but poorly drafted to anticipate resistance and requires more of a burden of explanation than otherwise necessary.  In order to facilitate passage the proposed amendment arguably needs revision even if it takes another year as the wording should have been clarified to both limit confusion about what it does, putting people at ease, and accordingly limit opponents’ opportunity for mischaracterization and other mischief.  We believe our analysis is sustained by recent polling that TFL, proponents of the wording in the legislature, commissioned.  See article below:

Close is not good enough

Poll Shows Iowans Closely Split on Protect Life Amendment.

We believe the any proposal that takes a lot of explanation, when it is not self explanatory, is heavily burdened, regrettably so in such an important matter.  Related analysis here.


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