Monthly Archives: May 2015

Socialism Smells Sweet to Scott County Democrats

Six hundred pack room at St Ambrose for campaign visit of Vermont Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders running for the Democrat nomination for President. Sanders believes your deodorant choice takes food out of the mouths of babes.  Sneaker endorsements from NBA  … Continue reading

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Reports vary about Kerry’s dawn patrol accident in Swiss Alps

ANOTHER PURPLE HEART ! Vietnam war hero has suffered another serious injury while serving his country. Secretary of State John Kerry, former presidential candidate and US Senator, was again wounded in action Sunday, suffering a much worse injury this time … Continue reading

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Seems more like a sign of the end times

Not a marriage made in heaven Apparently we are at the threshold of a new Church…and the beatification of the future “St. Saul Alinsky”.   As the Cardinal says, reported in this P.W. Adams article at Gateway Pundit  “it’s a sign … Continue reading

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Tora, Tora, Tora…cried Hillary

The “War on Women” and the couple who launched its “Pearl Harbor” I don’t believe many Americans want to relive the Clinton years, each of us for our own reasons probably. But there is one aspect of the Bill Clinton … Continue reading

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Rand Paul disappoints on facts and turn-out

Low turnout at event — home town of his Iowa campaign adviser Rand Paul needs to get a clue — you can be known as the Republican candidate most reticent about foreign incursions without distorting history.  A path to the … Continue reading


Veritas Editor Named Top Party Leader!!!!

Nominated to become a 2015 RNC Charter Gold Card Member!! Will have “important role in electing the next Republican President” We are flattered immeasurably but we are figuring they have never read our blog Roger, You have been nominated to … Continue reading

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New book, Adios America, improves Ann’s battling average

Coulter’s latest work gives “Iron Eyes Cody,” ironically, not an American Indian but the son of legal immigrants from Sicily, something more devastating  to cry about than litter (and wind energy scars across the land). We have had some problems … Continue reading


Caruba’s recent article — maybe too kind, too optimistic

I agree with Alan Caruba that Obama lies about everything. I agree that Obama thinks the American people are stupid. Obama certainly has some evidence to support that…voters elected him, not once, but twice! But I disagree that it is … Continue reading

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Pope Francis’ PR gets ahead of him

Misinterpreted or misspoken? Masters degree in chemistry? Another Italian Pope?  The Pope and his apologists say he is misinterpreted a lot. We have often said it is his responsibility to either be more careful issue definitive statements or shut the … Continue reading


“Woe to the land that’s governed by a child.”

Barack “Climate Change” Obama By Alan Caruba (posted here in its entirety with permission,) “Woe to the land that’s governed by a child.” – Shakespeare, Richard III I have been wrestling for some kind of explanation why the President of … Continue reading

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