“Platform Republican” appointed to replace Nebraska’s Sasse in U.S. Senate

Phrase “Platform Republican”  ought to be a rallying cry

Ben Sasse resigning from the U.S. Senate with his replacement being a conservative former governor is a good thing. As Senator “pain-in-the-Sasse” Sasse is such a prickly character he is better off in academia where his smarter-than-though pretense of intellectual superiority might have more cashe`.  Or not, but that is his and the University of Florida’s problem. In fairness Sasse had merits but when the opportunity arrises there is no need to be half-Sasse about his replacement.

This Daily Caller report yesterday about the two-year appointment of Ricketts of the four remaining in Sasse’s term (a new election for the remaining two years will be set) is fine as far as it goes but most non-Nebraskans are unaware as to what the appointment of former Governor Ricketts means ideologically. Nebraska has done worse than Sasse but now it has done better

Former Governor Appointed To Replace Sen. Ben Sasse

Not all Republicans are the same (witness retiring Sasse).  The two links below flesh out where Ricketrts can presumed to be. We took particular delight in hearing of Ricketts in a primary battle for governor establishing himself as a “Platform Republican” – which are consistently conservative around the country.  Ricketts stated positions and record as governor were consistent with that adopted moniker.

Ballotpedia — Pete Ricketts

Wikipedia – Pete Ricketts

We think the phrase Platform Republican properly invokes what ought to be a standard for Republicans seeking office, re-election.

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Kevin McCarthy becomes speaker for all the right reasons . . even though it was not his intention

The Twenty –  the rough number of Republican holdouts to the confirmation of Kevin McCarthy – a group that ought to go down in history as champions in the fight to restore the republic.

The Two-Hundred –– the rough number reflecting the bulk of the Republican Caucus who are oh so willing to rubber stamp McCarthy without condition in furtherance of business as usual in the House — pork laden bills in particular — shirking responsibility. Some of them are even complainers about The System but who exposed themselves as phonies by trying to avoid serious inducements to reform.

It took fifteen votes for Kevin McCarthy to agree to the needed reforms in House rules that he would have never acceded to if  The Twenty had not held fast. He could have had his coronation on day one of voting because he knew what The Twenty wanted which was supported by the sentiment of activist Republicans across the nation. He misjudged their perseverance.

After enough of The Twenty felt that  McCarthy had agreed to the package of needed reforms they gave their support to his quest for Speaker or withdrew their opposition.

We will see if the Two Hundred, bought and paid for by The System, vote for the rules McCarthy said he will support.  Maybe he has the power to implement them on his own but it remains to be seen if he will honor the commitment to The Twenty or try to subvert them*.

The Twenty* spoke truth to power using the power (leverage) they had to force reforms on the kicking and screaming louts who McCarthy had eating out of his hand, almost literally.  That would be The Two-hundred

The Twenty may be the saviors of The People’s House, decayed by years of Speakers using highhanded tactics to push through gargantuan spending authorizations, stifling debate, ignoring or corrupting rules, basically being dictators.

So it looks like maybe 10% of the Republican caucus ~~20 of ~~ 220 deserve respect for pursuing the right thing, the others not so much. If not closet Quislings in leftist occupied DC that The Two-Hundred are weaklings seems to fit. The Twenty are the Lions of the House. God bless them and give them wisdom and stamina to continue the fight.

*More on The Speaker in coming posts.

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The Give Us Barabbas (business as usual) Republicans

Now we are not saying a person acceptable to the 20 House members holding up confirmation of Kevin McCarthy, or outright opposing his speakership, is the Jesus factor.  However given many of the 200 Republican’s supporting McCarthy and their demonstrated unprincipled behavior it is as appropriate to refer to their clamoring for “moving on” with McCarthy without further reforms to the body politic in the House as the  give us Barabbas  – business as usual – crowd. And besides they started it with their insurrectionist/terrorist/mutineers/idiots/saboteurs pitchfork bellowing.

Dear Fox and other Conservative Inc. corporate shills trying to do a number on The Twenty:

Instead of spotlighting the 20 try some real reporting and spotlight the 200 and why they are not telling McCarthy to accept the reforms that the Republican base wants to see happen — especially ending the pork laden indefensible 2000 + spending bills that they all get to say tsk tsk about as they vote for them unread except for the dogeared pages of the earmarks they got in the belief that the bacon is what it is all about however wasteful.

If McCarthy would accede to the needed reforms he is holding out on he could be speaker on the next vote.

Again, why are so many Republicans opposing the needed reforms the base wants? That ought to be the debate. It is the wrong question to taunt the 20 with identifying who they want, any of the 20 would be better than McCarthy. The better question is why so many conservatives are betraying the base for essentially business as usual.

Then there is the misplaced loyalty (I bought you) BS hurled at The Twenty that McCarthy spent millions to help they and other republicans get elected  1) it was not McCarthy’s money and he was spending largely on the nominees of the party 2) The “tradition” of giving so much money to one guy to parcel out on the presumption that the recipients will be loyal to McCarthy, who will be loyal to the mega donors is corrupt. Did the recipients swear allegiance to McCarthy or the Constitution? Perhaps too many of the 200 swore themselves to McCarthy and business as usual.

Roger Stone while not my favorite Republican strategist over the years made this comment at Infowars: – “Any Support Kevin McCarthy Has in House Is ‘Bought and Paid For’‘. Few have as much experience with Rinos and the establishment beltway types as Stone having been a creature of the swamp plying the crevices for decades.

Related reading:

Tucker Carlson Asks Why Does Everyone in DC Want to Demonize, Attack and Eliminate the House Reform Group

John Fredericks: ‘FOX News Is 24/7 Shill for Kevin McCarthy’







Tucker Carlson Asks Why Does Everyone in DC Want to Demonize, Attack and Eliminate the House Reform Group



RINOs to Grassroots America: Shut Up! Know Your Place!


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What do McCarthy’s supporters oppose about the concessions McCarthy’s opponents demand?

  • The spotlight needs to be on individual congressman in each of their districts as to why they want business largely as usual — because without more reforms that is what it will be.
  • Why are McCarthy and his 200 supporters holding out against reforms supported by the Republican base
  • Who are the terrorists against the considered opinion of the Republican base?

It seems to us that the Republican base in general supports the various reforms that the “Terrorist”** twenty demand of Kevin McCarthy in order to garner their support for his quest to be speaker.  McCarthy has acceded to some we are told, but why not all of them as they all seem reasonable?  He could have the Speakership promptly if he did.  What powers are so important to the swamp?

Perhaps the key relates to omni-bus bills and spending disciplined, the budgeting process prepared in time, not laden with pork and always the  bums rush to pass lest “government be shut down”

Instead of the twenty being made to look like a fringe of the party for holding out for more needed reforms, the 200 supporting McCarthy without those reforms need to be spotlighted in each of their districts. That includes Iowa’s Republican delegation. Miller-Meeks, Feenstra, Hinson, Congressman-elect Nunn who seem secretly for porkulas bill processes.  Why do they oppose the reforms the twenty demand? If they are for the reforms then why are THEY not encouraging McCarthy to adopt them? The imbroglio could end quickly but for them.  Who are the terrorists against considered opinion of the republican base?

**The shibboleth dropped by congressman Dan Crenshaw in his denunciation of those who are holding fast in their opposition to McCarthy as Speaker.  Once thought to be an insurgent, Crenshaw has for some time cast himself as the iconoclast “the good reasonable big-government establishment guy” a.k.a. hit man against conservatives.  Thus he has been aptly named “McCain with an eyepatch”.

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When Democrat”terrorists” got their way and forced Pelosi to agree to something she did not want

  • A little tidbit to remember
  • Speaker fights are nothing new even in recent years

Elephants are supposed to have long memories. Anyway what’s that he’s stepping on.

What, say it isn’t so, “insurgents” a.k.a. “terrorists”* were able to pull down a Speaker of the House grip on power?!

Nancy Pelosi was under obligation to step down from speaker EVEN if Democrats held on to the House in the 2022 mid-terms

Did it hurt her ability to govern the lot? Were Democrats ineffectual as a result?

From this morning’s Daily Signal recap of extended Speaker votes over the course of our nation’s history:

7 Big Fights for Speaker of the House (excerpt)

Democrats won control of the House in the 2018 midterm elections, but 21 of the newly elected and returning Democrats vowed during the campaign that they would not vote for House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to reclaim the speakership. 

Of those 21 Democrats, 13 were freshmen; another previously had won a special election in Pennsylvania. They were a mix of far-left progressives in deep-blue congressional districts, where Pelosi was viewed as an out-of-touch Washington hand, and moderates who ran in red and purple districts who didn’t like her politics. 

Another 19 successful Democrat candidates in the 2018 midterm elections were noncommittal during their campaigns about whether they would vote for Pelosi to return as House speaker in January 2019 after her stint in the job from 2007 to 2011. 

Initially, Democrats’ goal was to allow these new members to keep their promise by opposing Pelosi for speaker in a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus, but support her in the House floor vote. However, 16 Democrats formalized their opposition by signing a letter asserting that they were “committed to voting for new leadership in both our caucus meeting and on the House floor.” 

Eventually, Pelosi was forced to negotiate a deal with these Democrats, agreeing that she and her leadership team of Reps. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., and James Clyburn, D-S.C., would term-limit themselves to four years. 

This convinced most of the rebellious Democrats to return to the fold. On Jan. 3, 2019, the opening day of the session, just 12 Democrats voted for someone other than Pelosi for speaker while three abstained. 

Pelosi still had enough support, 220 votes, to become speaker again.

* Nice little term coined by Dan “Eyepatch McCain” Crenshaw regarding the twenty who are holding out for needed reforms in how the country does business.

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Would anything really change in the House if McCarthy becomes Speaker?

  • Based on his political pedigree not likely and that is the problem

We think Kevin McCarthy persona is one of a game player — another insider who would try to keep business as usual in the House.

Oh there are conservatives votes and efforts to his credit but he is “Boehner-light” given a few of McCarthy’s concessions — but largely of the swamp and Boehnereish. The porkulas bills rushed through at the last minute “to avoid a shut down” will continue.  That is where he gets most of his support, including from the entire Iowa Republican delegation able to vote. To mix some metaphors the country is on a cliff and McCarthy seems more the type to manage the fall, concerned more that the Swamp survives, to fight another day, except they don’t fight very hard.

The optics of the multiple votes worry many conservatives and there is a big media group-think if not cabal (which includes Fox) intent on making  the 20 current holdouts appear obstructionist.  But the more obstructionist they stay in furtherance of more needed reforms the larger they loom in American history and the safety of our republic.

Here are a few takes on the situation which no one has to agree with completely of course but are mostly not incompatable.

From Congressman Mark Goetz:

Those of us who will not be voting for Kevin McCarthy today take no joy in this discomfort that this moment has brought. But if you want to drain the swamp, you cannot put the biggest alligator in charge of the exercise,” Gaetz said. “I’m a Florida man and I know of what I speak.

From Erick Erickson: Here’s How to Get a Speaker of the House by Noon

Tucker Carlson: Two Things McCarthy Should Do To Win Speaker’s Gavel   ( there are things as important as these Tucker)

Mick Mulvaney Details Why Kevin McCarthy Is Facing Such Intense Opposition in Speakership Bid.    (substitute the word principled for personal and Mulvaney makes more sense.)

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Townhall: The Falsehood of White Privilege

Joseph Bauer article at Townhall: The Falsehood of White Privilege. takes on the concepts of systemic racism and white privilege. Commending it to you first, we embellish on the worthy article herein:

Yes the Dems did invent the term “systemic racism” and they are perpetrators of it in the form of “affirmative action”

What is more “systemic” than that concept?

If you build race based requirements into institutions as part of assumptions about another race — is that not systemic? Building in systemic racism to supposedly combat systemic racism is racism.

It is also clear that liberal ideology is the causes of the underperformance they link to race, as pointed out in the article — aggravated by the welfare state. 

Welfare dependence is affecting whites as well but the advanced systemic sequelae is on blacks because of race linked presumptions that any race would absorb about their alleged situation (what they are told their situation is).

Victimhood and its blame counterpart white privilege are “systemic” sociological avenues of resentment and racial division by  victim status. 

Equal opportunity without lowering of standards is what is demanded by human nature. Any special help should not be race focused and should be contingent and private — with government being racially blind. The strengthening of family units of whatever race would be the greatest boon to universal welfare improvement.

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2022 summations in memes

Thanks to SF for forwarding the first two items(caption ours)

To get your head around this one requires liberalspeak. Our translation is that the one on the left is that the biological female on the left who calls herself a man gave birth to the baby shown after being artificially inseminated by a a man who thinks he is a woman. The person holding the baby is “non-binary” so the apparent he dates whatever sex. Got that?


















Maybe this is a bit pissimistic
















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Democrats lie so it is ok if Republicans lie — NO!

Jokes on all of you

George Santos is a joke on the political establishment and Republicans are buffoons if they do not get rid of this guy.

Did people vote for him because they enjoyed that he was the most flagrant lier?

Republicans can (barely) afford to give this up but not doing so is worse

Can’t wait for Brandon to comment on this congressman-elect, that would be fun. It would be great if White House reporters of a conservative bent would ask for comment.  There is no good response from Biden or his spokeholes.

Santos will either be the poster child that Dems and Repubs are all alike or even worse that politics is just about who can lie the best, the slickest, not get caught or have the right support because “he’s our guy”

That Democrats lost the district to him proves that they are not well thought of or inept, so it can be re-won. We think it possible that if Republicans do the right thing, absolutely repudiate him (while pointing out Democrat similarities) call for his resignation that they can rekindle a brand and win again in a special election in the district while salving their reputation elsewhere.

For internal and external reasons better they loose this one than have that throbbing boil on the elephant’s ass.  Of course the problem so many politicians from both parties have with this matter is how much it strikes close to home, personally or reflecting on various  caucus notables.  But Democrats have the most problem commenting given the Biden residency.

Culling this clown from the herd is an opportunity for Republicans.  Of course that is not likely what Democrats would do in a similar situation and that is sort of the point.  The payout is having a calling card of sorts or not being tuned out by a strong percentage of noparty voters. Being able to claim a comparatively superior level of purity, however blemished is superior in many peoples decision matrix.

Santos said the lies “won’t prevent him from being an “effective” congressman”.  Regrettably as to what passes for “effective” and also as to moral equivalence with many of his peers — that may be true, but no serious party with a claim to righteousness can sustain him or be sustained by him.

Regarding resume “enhancers” that he used (lied about) to get elected — the thing is, there is an inauthenticity about the whole checkmark approach to candidate resumés which this punk played to the hilt.  The relevance is weak even when they are true. A Harvard grad or military service or a certain race, or this or that, does not make someone the better representative or leader. Plenty of bad policy emits from people with all of those check marks.

Related reading: Politics Without Principle Will Devolve Into Chaos

Note this post was added to from original posting

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Washington Free Beacon Men of the Year — DELIGHTFUL

There are eight awards this year. We set forth two of our favorites, (they are all our favorites) in order to entice you to use the link and delight in the others. Note – at the link you will find some are heroish of a sort but all are referenced tongue-in-cheek

Getting the better of the most powerful man in the world makes the list:

Washington Free Beacon Staff • December 29, 2022 5:00 am

July 18, 2022. In an appalling display of American emasculation, President Joe Biden eased his Trek FX 1 Disc to a stop before a crowd of cheering morons and attempted to dismount. The rest is infamy.

No man in the history of aviator sunglasses has ever looked less cool while wearing them than Biden did that fateful day. The bike helmet and tactical cycling gloves didn’t help. Neither did getting his foot caught in the stupid pedal thing and eating shit on Delaware asphalt in a twisted pile of gears and spokes and wrinkled leg skin.

The Trek FX 1 Disc did the American people a great service by exposing the president as a crotchless weakling slouching toward the grave. It was, in our humble estimation, an act of valor no less potent and enduring than the patriotic self-defense of Lexington and Concord some two-and-a-half centuries ago as the full meaty thrust of Revolution came bursting into the ether.

It’s a miracle he didn’t die. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death among Americans aged 65 and up. Biden just turned 80. Kamala Harris is vice president. (We’re so f—ed.) Perhaps the Trek FX 1 Disc was imploring us to behold the doddering geezer’s imminent mortality and feel sorry. Not for Biden, obviously, but for ourselves.

This is the United States of America, for crying out loud, and we deserve better than a goo-brained commander in chief who humiliates his country on a daily basis. Our “elected” “leader” is falling off bicycles and shaking hands with ghostswhile actual strongmen like MBS do gangster shit like bombing Yemen and luring a journalist abroad to murder and dismember him with zero repercussions.

Make no mistake. The Washington Free Beacon considers cycling to be an anti-social abomination perpetrated by soulless freaks who in a perfect world would hang from the gallows in their fancy leotards. We did not arrive at this decision lightly or in haste. We deliberated thoughtfully and impactfully for hours, holding hands in a circle of inclusion as we spoke our truths and excavated our emotions.

Ultimately we felt a simple child’s toy could not be held responsible for the actions of so-called adults. It would be like blaming the crack pipe for Sleepy Joe’s sadistic refusal to acknowledge Navy Joan Roberts, the innocent child Hunter Biden fathered with a stripper named “Dallas” during one of his smoke-and-poke extravaganzas funded by his father’s name and the foreign crimelords who noticed it.

For its noble service to our once great nation and for putting President Brandon on his bony ass where he belongs, the Washington Free Beacon is honored to recognize the Trek FX 1 Disc as a 2022 Washington Free Beacon Man of the Year.

Published under: 2022 Men of the Year, Man of the Year, Men of the Year

Washington Free Beacon Staff • December 28, 2022 12:00 pm
Few men are willing to give up everything for a political cause. Then there’s Dr. Clifford Chen, the John Fetterman campaign donor who sacrificed his professional reputation for the good of the Democratic Party.

“He spoke intelligently and without cognitive deficits,” the Pennsylvania physician wrote of the state’s lieutenant governor, Senate candidate, and stroke victim. “His speech was normal…”

Days later, in a showdown against his Republican opponent, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Fetterman cited Chen’s letter. High school debate coaches call it an appeal to authority:  “My doctors, the real doctors that I believe, they all believe that I am ready to be served,” Fetterman said. Perfectly normal!

Well, Fetterman pulled it out, Democrats held on to their Senate majority, and here at the Free Beacon, game recognize game. We see you, Dr. Chen.

For his valiant service to the Fetterman campaign and the Democratic party, he now joins the ranks of esteemed doctors–including Dr. Jill Biden–who have helped foist mentally-challenged Democrats on the American people. And for torching his professional credibility to rescue Fetterman’s campaign, congratulations, Dr. Chen, you are not just a family physician and a Fetterman donor, you are also a Washington Free Beacon Man of the Year.

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